Welcome to the Association of European Qualitative Researchers in Psychology (EQuiP). We are a society that aims to create bridges among qualitative researchers in psychology across Europe - bridges between researchers from different European countries but also bridges between different research traditions of qualitative inquiry in psychology. In doing this, we also want to contribute to (re-)think about psychology as a discipline. Our specific aims are to:
- Provide researchers from different geographical parts of Europe opportunities to increase their visibility
- Serve as a ‘hub’ that fosters dialogue among researchers engaged in qualitative research
- Represent clearly the multiplicity of qualitative research approaches (or/and ‘schools’) and providing a platform for constructive exchange between colleagues working in different qualitative research traditions
- Promote qualitative research practices from plural institutional and sociocultural backgrounds (beyond but not excluding Anglo-Saxon organisations)
- Advance innovation in qualitative methodologies in psychology and enhance the understanding of how qualitative research can contribute specifically to psychology
- Create dialogue with other disciplines and interdisciplinary areas
- Overcome possible linguistic barriers and enable scholarly exchange across linguistic communities in Europe (and beyond)
This may be achieved by:
- Providing researchers and practitioners opportunities to reinforce links with concrete applications and higher education, such as our Biennial international conference and opportunities for publication.
- Providing information on possible links with other national and international societies worldwide pursuing similar aims.
- Providing a platform for sharing information on ongoing events, job opportunities, workshops and trainings, etc. relevant for qualitative researchers.
- Supporting early career researchers in participating in advanced research method trainings and helping them getting connected with more experienced scholars.
We invite researchers interested in qualitative research to join us!